Home / Wellness


We Serve the Best &
Healthy Juice

Our Philosophy:
Our Environment provides us with everything the mind and body need for survival and well-being. At Cleanse High, we hold ourselves responsible for taking care of Mother Nature in return.

Minimal Wastage Model:
All our program are freshly made to order just for you, a few hours before you start cleansing.

Glass Bottles
Juices are a lot better when stored in glass to keep the freshness intact. Entirely plastic-free and recyclable packaging except for the small seal on the cap.

No Preservatives
We choose to keep our healing juices unadulterated. No supplement, additives or preservative are added to you cleanse. Thus, the shelf life of our juices is only for two days.

Like they say” Food that goes bad is good for you. Food that doesn’t go bad is not good for you.”

Over the years, we have built a proud community of diverse consumers who live well, love and inspire us.
We were blessed to engage with each on a personal level, discuss their experience of juice cleansing and upgrade our products progressively. It’s a vibrant community of all age groups- students who understand self-care, IT professionals who have a hectic lifestyle, Homemakers who are our strictest critics and well-wishers, Health enthusiasts who understand the importance of body cleansing an regularly cleanse with us but also share the good habit with their patients and clients.